fellow has one advantage, he can keep those pictures. in his mind and go to a woman; but the TV has to de- pend on intimate contact with clothing for full sexual satisfaction. The presence of a woman is at first un- desirable.

Stage TWO, the experimental stage. (as mentioned before some may never get this far) He now trys to hold off sexual climax to make "things" last longer and sud- denly he discovers beautiful things which he never saw before. He now enters into a feminine world. Soon he aquires a complete wardrobe, experiments with make-up and creates in front of a mirror a woman who he prob- ably adores. He forgets his sex desires more and more and here he enters into the THIRD stage, the creative stage.

By creating this woman in the mirror he has actual- ly done a bit of divine juggling. The woman is real, he can touch her, see her and kiss her in the mirror. But here you get into trouble with a cosmic law, fe w people know of. It says: for every material thing there must exist a spiritual counterpart. The TV now splits off a portion of his soul to give to his creation. All things go well for a while, the two are in complete harmony. And then the incredible happens, all of a sudden he discovers that "her" thoughts are no longer his thoughts. She starts to act independent of him and at this point danger may creep in. It may even turn into a regular mental cloak and dagger episode. Some men have lost, because the "girl" had THE operation.

But it is really up to you. You have created her, she is your child and you are responsible for her ed- ucation, so make it a clean-one. Do not degrade her with sexplay. Subconsciously you know this and that is why you are so terribly lonely. Both of you desire an- other woman to love. You, the masculine part, because you are a man and she the feminine because she has your masculine body. So there you are in your mixed up wonderful world. Few people understand us because most of us do not understand ourselves. How can we explain it to others?

Maybe this theory will help you understand yourself. As I read it over I find that part of it was written by the doctor and part by Iris - or maybe the whole thing was written by divine inspiration.
